Where I was before Mongolia:  China.

Information on documentation, visas, permanence, security and much more for Brazilian consular portal.

Tourist information official website of Mongolia Government.

Going to Russia.

Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator)

Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia with 1.5 million people in the Tuul valley.

Mongolia is a very difficult country to live. The environment is very inhospitable and most of it has no forests, rivers, and vegetation is always low.

That is why even today, a large part of the population is nomadic, as they have to change to feed their animals and survive.

After visiting the capital, I went to Gobi Desert. Then I could really see the difficulty of the place, without water, without the means to plant anything.

They basically live by raising some animals.

Gobi desert

The Gobi Desert, one of the largest and most extreme in the world, stretches between Mongolia and China.

With arid landscapes, golden dunes and rock formations, it is a place of unique beauty.

Unlike other deserts, it has harsh winters and temperatures that vary between -40°C and 45°C.

In addition to its silent vastness, it is home to wildlife such as Bactrian camels and snow leopards.

Among the highlights are the Flaming Cliffs, famous for dinosaur fossils.

The place is truly devoid of anything, including roads, and even the water wells do not have the oases we imagine.

5 days in this desert was enough.

After returning from the desert, it is time to continue on the Trans-Siberian Railway towards Siberia Russia.