Ruins of Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius
Ruins of Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius

Today is another day trip now towards Pompeii.

In southern Italy, the maximum speed is 60 km, which makes travel very slow.

They are narrow roads with many curves.
When you go through the cities, it becomes more difficult because the streets are very narrow, with several places that two cars cannot pass at the same time.
In addition to the ZLs that are exclusion zones where only local cars can travel.
This wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the sheer lack of signage and traffic options.

Often when you arrive there is no information on how to cross without going through the ZL.

We had to take a lot of detours which caused a lot of delays.

Pompeii will be our base for visiting the surrounding attractions.

island of capri

Today we are going to the island of Capri.

We left before 7 am and went to the port of Sorrento to take the boat to Capri.

We took the 9 am boat which takes 30 minutes to Capri.

The island of Capri is located in the Bay of Naples, south of the city of Naples and close to the tip of the Amalfi peninsula,

It is a charming and picturesque island made of limestone rock.

Throughout its history, the island has been a favorite with Roman emperors, the rich and famous, artists and writers, and it continues to be one of the Mediterranean’s must-sees.

The easiest way to get there is via ferries and hydrofoils from Naples and Sorrento.

Capri has two parts: Vila de Capri, which is located above Marina Grande (where you can arrive by boat), and the second is Vila de Anacapri, which is located in the highest part where the peak of the island is located.

The most famous and chic is Villa de Capri, where the center is very pleasant, with a variety of shops and restaurants for the most sophisticated and demanding.

It is worth getting lost in the narrow streets with a breathtaking view of the sea.

Anacapri, on the other hand, is much simpler but also deserves your attention, especially the adventure that is going up through the narrow streets that do not have room for two cars to pass side by side, but the Italians manage to stop with trucks. unbelievable

There are several boat trips around the island and after a day discovering the island it’s time to head back to Pompeii.

Pompeii Ruins

In AD 79, Pompeii and other cities such as Herculaneum were covered in ash and rubble due to the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
The eruption was considered one of the most destructive volcanic eruptions in history with the release of thermal energy over 30 km.
It caused more deaths than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings of World War II.

Even today, the marks of the eruption are impressive.

