My big goal to se Petra is one step away from achieving.
See here the trip to discover the 7 wonders of the modern world.
After 3 years of postponement due to the pandemic, I finally got to meet Petra.
When we talk about Petra, images of the eastern entrance to Petra usually come to mind, a 76-meter-high sandstone gorge known as the Siq that leads directly to Al Khazneh (the Treasury).
Who hasn’t seen Indiana Jones?
However, it is just one of the city’s many monuments.
Carved directly into the red, white, pink and sandstone cliffs, the prehistoric city of Petra has been “lost” to the Western world for hundreds of years.
Petra was once a prosperous commercial center and the capital of the Nabataean empire between 400 BC and 106 AD.
The Nabataeans, before being conquered and absorbed by the Roman Empire, controlled a vast area of the Middle East, from present-day Israel and Jordan to the north of the Arabian Peninsula. The remains of its innovative water collection, storage, transportation and irrigation systems networks are still found throughout the area today.
Around 1812, Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, traveling disguised as an Arab, heard about the place and decided to investigate.
In 1985, the Petra Archaeological Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in 2007 it was named one of the new seven wonders of the modern world.
Official website about Petra.
more information about Jordan.
As Siq and arrival at the Treasury
Today, it is believed that only 15% has already been discovered.
As I had two days I was able to explore the entire complex.
On the first day I took the main path, with the trail….. To see Petra from above.
When you reach the main attraction, many offer you a climb to see Petra from above, but this is only a partial view, as the best option is to take the trail, where you can actually see the entire structure.
The vast majority pay to go up, but the real trail is free and of course it is very long and uphill, so most prefer the easier one.
Little Petra
On the second day, I took a transport to the other side (little Petra) and followed the trail to get to the Monastery from behind, going around the main trail.
Then I took the Wadi al Farasa trail, which passes through the High Place of Sacrifice and arrives at the main path near The Treasury
Thus completing the visit to the main attractions.
There are several other trails, but then you would need more days.
With the visit to the seven wonders complete now it’s time to go deeper into the desert