How to Travel More and Better

Is this BLOG for you?

  • If you’ve always thought that lots of people travel and you don’t.
  • You see that wonderful trip and think that you’ll never be able to do one like it or you simply don’t know how.
  • For those who already know how to travel, but want to travel more and better.
  • Also for those who even go on a trip, but come back with the feeling that they didn’t enjoy it as much as they should have.
  • For those who have traveled, but had their expectations frustrated.
  • And finally, for those who want to travel more, spend less, experience the authentic side of a destination and make their dream trip come true.

Then you’re in the right place.

I’m not a “professional” traveler, that is, I’m an ordinary person who loves to travel, discover new cultures and have always used my “free” time to travel.

The DISCOVERING WORLDS project brings together all my experiences in over 30 years and 60+ countries, with the knowledge of other traveling friends, as well as new technologies.

Here you’ll find the best tips, advice and suggestions. All of them, tested in practice, are available for you to travel more and better.

Come with me to explore this world of ours.

What kind of trips will you take?

Independent travel: Traveling on your own, following your own interests.
Adventure: Always finding unique experiences, little-explored places even in more touristy destinations.
Valuing the essential: Focusing on learning and personal enrichment, always taking into account the local culture.
Sustainability: Always keeping in mind respect and sustainability of the environment, people and animals. To leave it to future generations.



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