6 Tips to make your vacation budget fit in your pocket

Vacations really mean a time where the activities of a service or person is interrupted. Ex: School holidays, the judiciary, work, etc.

While there are many ways to use this time, such as a rest period, take time out for yourself, engage in fun activities with people you love, learn something new, which are great ways to pass the time.

What comes to mind is traveling to a wonderful place, usually never been there.

Paris, London, Italy, Europe, Disney, go to the Caribbean, China, Africa, etc.

I think of a trip around the world trip, 6 months in Africa, but the reality of 90% of the population does has oportunities to go so far and for so long, but surely everyone wants to go on vacation.

Then comes the difficulty. What do you do when you have little time and short of money?

Your budget is tight and the boss does not give you 2 months to travel.

The first reaction is to postpone the plans for ever, and never.

Many times this happens for years, without really going on vacation, just for a week or two and not going where you really want to go.

I believe some people have a specific dream, and should not lose focus, as was my case in my around the world trip click to see how it was.

But most of us want and need a vacation.

So how do you go on vacation and not break your pocket?

It may not even be the vacation of your dreams, but these 6 tips will surely make your vacation wonderful and in the end your batteries will be recharged and ready for the next challenges.

The most important is to take this time and get out of the routine and stress of everyday life, without clearing up more stress on the return, having debts to pay.

Tip 1: Think out of the box.

I consider this one of the most important because it makes you out of the box, giving you great opportunities with incredible costs.

When everyone is going to the beach go to the countryside.

If everyone is going to Paris what about going to Greece?

Is Brazil expensive? How about going to Peru. If they are going in the summer go in the winter

Traveling in the opposite direction of the crowd, that means, when most are going you are coming back.
Did you know that airfare, car rental and many other services can get up to 90% cheaper just because you are in counter flow? It is worth researching.

In this post, 5 foolproof tips to save money on your trip. I explain how to save money in your trip.

Trip 2: Be a tourist in your neighborhood.

It is unbelievable, but it is one of the most certain perceptions of tourism. The vast majority of people do not know their own city, state and country. They prefer to go somewhere else.
Think of you, who lives in São Paulo. Who has ever been visiting the sights of the city like?
Ipiranga Museum, Masp, São Paulo Gallery, Football Museum, etc.
I know many people who do not know and have never visited the main attractions of the city.
According to SPTuris, São Paulo attracted 15.44 million people in 2017, with 12.69 million Brazilian visitors and 2.75 million foreigners.

See full article here ( sorry most of the material does not have english version).


Being a local person much of the attractions has a much lower cost.

We always delay the visit, because when we live in a city, we think that we can always go later and pass the time and never go.
That is from São Paulo and stays here, when millions leave the city know when the city is nice.
If you are from the outside try to come here when everyone is leaving.

Lookout of Sesc in Paulista (I confess this I still have not been).

See Estadão article.

Botanic garden

The space has a native forest and gardens. It is possible to carry out different trails and activities. Worth to spend a day at the Garden, which has a restaurant and picnic areas.

Botanic Garden is on the side of the zoo, in the south of the capital.

Sunset Square

As the name already says the square is a great place to enjoy with friends a wonderful sunset in the largest city in Latin America. See here the sunset.

Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo

Pinacoteca is the oldest museum in the city. The space is home to one of the largest and most representative collections of Brazilian art.

Shopping in the  Benedito Calixto market square.

The historical market of antiquities attracts tourists and city dwellers. The market operates on Saturdays and has exhibitors that sell products such as antique toys, rare vinyl records, restored furniture among others.


the MASP is considered today the most important museum of art in the Southern Hemisphere, for possessing the richest and most comprehensive collection.

Walk through the streets symbol of São Paulo.

In recent years there has been a occupation moviment of the São Paulo streets and this gives us more security to visit these places as AV Paulista, Rua Augusta, corner of Ipiranga with São João, 13 de maio street, etc.

São Paulo gastronomic tour.

This is certainly one of the strongest points in the city.
We have everything and the best of Brazilian and international food.
Mercadão, located in the historical center of São Paulo, is one of the most important tourist attractions in the city, due to its architecture and the codfish pastel and the famous mortadella sandwich.
Bar food, it tastes for everyone, there is no right choice, since each one has its own specialty and each person has its own taste, but there are traditional ones like Veloso, Bhrama bar, Mané bar (since 1933), Sujinho 50 years old), Veloso and many others.

Gastronomic streets.

See the Veja SP magazine article here.

There is no better way to spend some free time than wandering around in your own town. No matter what your size, there are a number of wonders you have never seen or even know because you simply did not.

We are tied to standards that say we have to go somewhere else to go on vacation.

But try and be a tourist in your own city. It is extremely cheap and will also discover a new city.

PS: You need to break the routine and really leave the house, otherwise you will soon make an excuse to watch TV instead of leaving. For those who have difficulty breaking this routine, how about actually leaving home and going to a hotel or inn, breaking the routine.

It’s up to you.

Tip 3: travel in your region.

Again when talking about traveling comes distant and exotic destinations. Because of this, few people look in their own backyard to venture out.

The neighbor’s grass is always greener.

Combine with tip number 1, in São Paulo we have beautiful beaches, mountains, historic cities and beautiful waterfalls, without going too far from the capital.

São Roque.

Located just 60 km away from the capital, it is known as the land of wine. The town has a road with 10 km where are all the wineries and some restaurants that get crowded on weekends, so avoid this time. A great option a day trip.


In the extreme south of São Paulo the charming city has a range of activities related to ecotourism. A coastline of 200 km long consisting of lagoons, sea arms, islands, hills and beaches.


Located 242 kilometers from the capital, the most “radical” city in the state is known for adventure tourism. Tours such as rafting, ziplining, woodland and trails are some of the options. 

São Luíz do Paraitinga 

Located in the Serra do Mar, between Ubatuba and Taubaté, it has a colonial architecture still well preserved and today it is one of the largest architectural complexes in the São Paulo state.

 São Luiz de Paraitinga has a Carnival that attracts thousands of people every year.

Just look around and you will find many things to do without breaking your pocket.
If you want some tips, just sign up and I’ll send you tips. 
Regardless of your budget exploring your own backyard will bring you a better impression of your city.
Especially for those who have a more limited budget. I remember when I was a child, and I could not travel, my father would walk with us through the city. We lived in a neighborhood on the outskirts and go to the center was magical, see those buildings, eat a pastel.
It was one of the happiest moments of my childhood.

Tip 4: Visit national parks.

Everywhere in the world visiting the national parks are the most pleasure and inexpensive way to visit the nature of the place.
Although Brazil does not take care of the services provided in national parks. They certainly have the best natural areas in the country.
It has all kinds of tours from day trips, to camping and to crossings.
There is almost always a park nearby and spending a few days with nature is not only good for your wallet, but also good for your soul.
The ones that I visit most are near São Paulo.

Itatiaia national park where is the pico das agulha negras.

Serra dos órgãos, Where is the most famous trail travessia Petrópolis/Teresópolis. 

State park Petar  which is famous for its caves and the region’s best known attraction is Caverna do Diabo (the Devil’s Cave) which is about 30 km from the park.

Dica 5: Last time booking.

This tip depends a lot on your flexibility, both when and where to go.

Both cruises, hotels and tour package operators make last minute deals, which can reach 30% or 40% off.
Nobody wants to be left with empty space, as it is a certain loss, so if you stay connected you can get incredible discounts.
On the other hand, if you book more than a year in advance, cruise lines also offer incredible low rates for early birds (the first to book).
Flight tickets, travel packages also follow with 4 to 6 month follow same principle.

Tip 6: Be prepared for the opportunities.

This is combination of the 5 previous tips.
There are several situations that makes companies lower their prices.
And it’s not because they’re good.
People usually plan their vacation, buy their packages and go.
The companies know this and put the prices higher, but with the arrival of the time of the trip and for those attractions that have not been sout out their full capacity, they decrease the prices, because if it will not be a lost.
So plan your vacation and wait until the previous week, keep an eye on the last minute deals and check what is really cheaper and a good trip.

We have many ways to find this deals and the most popular are:

Skyscanner is intuitive allowing you to search for an open trip even if you do not know where to go and when. In addition they have a alerts system opportunities.
Decolar also has the same features as Skyscanner, but has many more brazilian options.

The most important thing is to research and monitor prices before you buy.

Now it’s time to use these tips, make your plan and have a nice and unforgetable trip.


Please note: Travel and product opinions, reviews, analyses and recommendations are based on my personal experiences and research, and are not affiliated with any of these entities.
Some of the links may be affiliate links and, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you make a purchase.

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José Carlos

I’m José Carlos Costa, a traveler in search of authentic adventures and real connections with people, places and cultures, exploring the world with freedom and living each experience in a true way.

Having visited more than 60 countries, I share my stories to inspire and help you travel more and better.

  • Explore the world.
  • What to pack.
  • How to plan a trip around the world

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