9 Tips on How to Make Your Personal Planning

It’s almost common sense that planning is essential to get where you want to go.

As the cat in Alice in Wonderland says.

If you don’t know where you want to go, any path will do.

Lewis Carroll

But the vast majority of people are unable to plan, the reasons are very diverse, but reality shows that if you don’t plan, there is a high chance that you will not be able to achieve your goals.

So let’s get started and to do this you will have to answer some key questions, such as: how, when, why? (purpose), where and with whom you will perform this action.

Remember that creating your plan does not mean that you have to know everything now and create details that will be followed throughout your life.

It is more about creating a plan and during the process making the necessary changes to achieve the objectives.

With this, list your priorities, that is, what your most important goals are.

It’s essential to focus so you don’t put too much energy into things and end up deviating from your main objective.

Let’s start?

1 – Define your goals.

First, we need to understand what goals are.

Goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound objectives that you establish to direct your efforts and resources towards a desired result.

Goals are not things that are done, but that are achieved.

Your goal is not to make money but to have financial dependence.

Therefore, they must be defined realistically, within feasible deadlines for achieving them, but they cannot be too easy, as this discourages the work of achieving them.

2 – Get organized.

Now that you have a place to go, the next step is to get organized.

In other words, create a roadmap that will promote your steps towards your goals in an organized way.

“Every great journey begins with a simple step.” Attributed to Buddha

But even so, if there is no organization, each step can be in different directions, or worse, lead in a direction you don’t want.

3 – Be realistic.

Working with a reality that can be changed, there is nothing more frustrating than wanting to do something that is impossible with the resources available.

Maybe your goal is not achievable today, but if you take the first steps in the right direction, over time you will be closer to your goals.

Dream with your feet on the ground and work within real, tangible possibilities.

4 - Know your resources.

Nothing better than knowing your resources to be able to plan your next steps.

You will use these talents and skills to achieve your goals.

For this reason, it is very important that you identify the skills and material resources that can help you achieve your goals.

These skills and resources will make your planning much more achievable.

5 - Work on your weaknesses and strengths to improve.

Now that you know its features.

It is essential to know precisely what obstacles can prevent us from realizing our dreams.

This includes identifying in ourselves what thoughts and behaviors can sabotage our success, but also what strengths we have to keep us going.

Your strengths will help you obtain those skills you don’t have or have difficulty improving.

Improving the weak points would reduce the current difficulties.

6 - Acquire new skills.

For me, acquiring new skills is certainly one of the main keys to your success.


Albert Einstein.

And as you want to have better results, acquiring new skills is a fundamental process.

Today, there are so many new skills required and so little time to acquire them.

But using proven efficient and effective methods, it is possible to acquire them.

Your planning has a much more flexible condition, as your new skills will bring you new resources.

See the 5 future-proof skills.

Focus on the new skills that are actually needed, so you don’t have a bunch of skills that don’t contribute to your goals.

Having knowledge of quantum computing may not help you on your way.

Follow the world’s largest consultancy on the most relevant topics.

7 - Focus.

If you really want to get somewhere, you need to stay on the right path.

This means staying focused and not using excuses to avoid what needs to be done. Your success depends directly on your commitment, which must be 100% directed towards achieving your personal plan.

Also moving from one side to another will only waste energy and will not help you get where you want.

8 – Motivate yourself.

Just as you need to focus, you need to motivate yourself every day and stay connected to the reasons that made you set your goals.

Remember this and don’t let feelings of doubt, fear and anxiety sabotage you or the people around you demotivate you with their pessimism.

If you believe, you can and will achieve all your goals. Go straight on!

9 - Monitor your results periodically.

Even the best plans have flaws, and often something unexpected happens that forces us to change it.

That’s why it’s essential to review your results, your planning, to confirm whether they are as expected or whether you need to make any corrections.

Don’t let it go when you don’t get where you’re supposed to go.

Always be attentive to each period and don’t be afraid to correct something that is outside the plan.


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José Carlos

I’m José Carlos Costa, a traveler in search of authentic adventures and real connections with people, places and cultures, exploring the world with freedom and living each experience in a true way.

Having visited more than 60 countries, I share my stories to inspire and help you travel more and better.

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