How important is travel photography in your life?

Travel is necessary

First we need to differentiate what photography is as I believe it to be. Especially today, where social networks bring a need for constant photos and videos. Without making a value judgment here, when I say travel photography, I don’t mean those made for social media with the sole and exclusive intention of capturing the […]

How to choose the ideal travel insurance for your needs?

Seguro de Viagem

Choosing travel insurance is an important task to ensure a smooth and safe trip. First the big question is: Do I really need travel insurance? See here why you should take out travel insurance? Here are some steps to help you find the travel insurance that best suits your needs: Assess your coverage needs: Before […]

How to Plan Your Next Trip in 5 Simple Steps

We all have our difficulties when we start thinking about plan our next trip as a vacation or a dream trip.We always have many gaps and few answers. But if we follow 5 simple steps, we can reach several decisions easier. Step 1 – What type of traveler are you? To know this, you need […]

6 Tips to make your vacation budget fit in your pocket

Vacations really mean a time where the activities of a service or person is interrupted. Ex: School holidays, the judiciary, work, etc. While there are many ways to use this time, such as a rest period, take time out for yourself, engage in fun activities with people you love, learn something new, which are great […]

Cheap flight tickets: Ultimate guide

passagem aérea

Having a cheap flight ticket is essential to making your trip viable. The ticket is one of the biggest expenses, and can reach up to 80% of the total cost. An expensive ticket may prevent your vacation to happen.So finding a cheapest ticket can make your trip possible and does not break your budget. There […]

Travel. Everything you need to know to travel more and better.

I always believed that traveling would be part of everyone’s life. But, over time, I realized that some people simply don’t have that desire. They prefer the comfort of home, the familiar routine. And that’s okay! But, fortunately, most people dream of exploring the world. The problem is that not everyone can make this dream […]

Sustainability: What you need to know to ensure your future.

Sustainability is the key to living more and better, and ensuring to our children, grandchildren and their descendants can also live in this world. There are many controversies around this subject, however it is undeniable that something has to be done. The way things are can not stay. Sustainability is a word we hear every […]

Sustainable: What are you really doing about it?

Today, hearing about being sustainable, ecology, consumer habits and many other concepts that on one side or the other are interconnected.Sustainability, in my opinion, includes all other ideas with the goal of preserving resources and our planet.We talked about it but what are we really doing?What are the actions of our daily life to be […]

Tourist Type: What is yours and what to do?


Discovering your tourist type is important for you to have the best travel experience. There is no better or worse style than the other. Everyone is good, what is important is where you feel best. You can now be in one and then switch to another as long as you are willing to take on […]

Financial planning in the life of a traveler

Financial planning is crucial and a central bank survey shows that more than 60% of people do not do any financial planning and that is why 70% of Brazilians are in debt. Imagine how this can disrupt a traveler’s life? Planning is essential for everyone who wants to have a more peaceful life and achieve […]